Privacy Policy

Smart Glass Pro always places a high priority on respecting the privacy of its website visitors, as detailed in our privacy statement. You may read more about our privacy practices in our statement. Here, we’ll explain the types of data we gather from visitors to our website,, as well as the methods used to obtain it.

Data That We Collect

We automatically gather Metadata from users’ web browsers, the device makes and models, IP addresses, referring domains, and language preferences in their browsers.

Our Data Collection Process

There are various ways in which the user gives out their personal data. For instance, by sending us an email, making an inquiry, participating in a survey, entering a contest, writing a review, offering feedback, notifying us of a problem, etc. They must first accept our terms and conditions before we can collect their personal information.

What We Do with and How We Share Your Information

User’s personal information is only collected and used by us internally. Processing your requests, communications, and other activities with our website, for instance. On our website, we also automatically gather and store statistics and other data on users and their online activity.

Additionally, we transmit other kinds of information using your information. For instance, we might use your email address to notify you about new services and other important information.


Cookies are bits of data that your web browser saves to the hard disk of your computer. Websites can track information personal to users and recognize them when they return thanks to cookies. Occasionally, you might get cookies from third parties to which our website links.

If a Business Transfer Takes Place

We may eventually sell all or a portion of our business. Customer data is one of the transferred assets. In the unlikely event that substantially all of our assets are acquired, your customer information may be transferred in accordance with the laws and regulatory restrictions governing the transfer and sale of such personal data.

Affiliated Businesses

If you have given us information indicating that our associate companies’ services could be useful to you, we may share that information with such companies.

Security for the Company and Others

We may disclose personal information if it’s required by law, to enforce our Terms and Conditions of Use, or to protect the legal rights, private property, or personal safety of Smart Glass Pro and its entire staff.

With User Approval

You will be informed and given the option to withhold your personal information if it is going to be shared with third parties in any way other than what is specified below.

Security of Data

For us, data security is crucial, and it must be kept secure. The confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of user personal information are protected by security procedures that our vendors are required to uphold and follow.